Saturday, October 13, 2007

why, why,why.

I have had a play with flickr and can see a use for that, but how much time??. I also wonder how many other people really want to see my photo's. I find it difficult to believe enough people want to see them, I am also a little embarrassed, its a little like showing off. Unfortunatley I see it as too much time with not much to do pastime. sorry all


Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Don't be embarrassed by your comments. It is only after we explore these technologies can we then assess whether or not they may be useful in our library situation.
Keep up the good work


Webgurl said...

A few good uses for Flickr.

* If we were building a new library we could upload the photos of the construction at different stages.

* We could upload photos of events (Of course we would need permission).

* general photos of landmarks and themes. If a person shared them without restrictions other people could save them to use in brochures, websites, newsletters etc. I use Stock Photo sites all of the time.

I hope this helps explain it.

Cheers, webgurl